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Return and exchange of goods


The following information on returns, exchanges and complaints is an integral part of Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions published on truefala.com.

Returning of clothes

You can return the clothes without giving a reason within 30 days from the day of receipt of the shipment. From a legal point of view, this is a withdrawal from the contract according to point 8.2 of the Terms and Conditions, where the deadline for withdrawal is 14 days. We provide a longer withdrawal period - 30 days. You can withdraw from the contract and therefore return the goods (clothing) in any demonstrable way. We prefer sending an email to email@truefala.com. You can also send us a letter to our contact address: Podjavorinskej 5, 81103 Bratislava. For withdrawal, you can also use the sample form provided by us, which forms attachment no. 2 of the Terms and Conditions. The entire return process within the 14-day period takes a few days to a few weeks, depending on the place of delivery.

Acceptance of goods in broken or damaged packaging

If the Goods are delivered to you in broken or damaged packaging or the shipment is clearly too light, we ask you not to accept such Goods from the transport company and to notify us of this fact immediately by calling +421948040018 or by e-mail at email@truefala.com . In case of detection of obvious defects (e.g. mechanical damage), you are obliged to file a claim without undue delay in the manner described below "Exercise of the right from liability for damage: Claim". We will not take into account claims made later due to obvious defects in the Goods, including defects consisting in the incompleteness of the Goods.Right from liability for other defects.

You are obliged to exercise the right from liability for other defects (hidden defects) in the manner of a complaint, as described below "Exercise of the right from liability for damage: Complaint" without undue delay after you have discovered the defect in the Product, but at the latest before the expiry of the warranty period.

The right from liability for defects does not apply in the following cases::

The warranty applies only to manufacturing defects of the Product and defects caused by mechanical damage. You cannot apply the right of liability for defects in particular to defects caused by wear and tear, mechanical damage, use of the Goods in inappropriate conditions, etc.

You are not entitled to claim liability for a defect if you knew about the defect before taking over the Goods, or we alerted you to it or you were given an appropriate discount from the Price of the Product for that reason.

Exercising the right from liability for damage: Claim

In the event that the Product has a defect, i.e. especially if one of the conditions according to Art. 7.2 of Terms and Conditions, you can notify Us of such a defect and exercise your rights from liability for damage (i.e. claim the Goods) by sending an e-mail or letter to Our contact address listed in Our identification data. For a complaint, you can also use the sample form provided by us, which forms attachment no. 1 Conditions.

In your notification, by which you are making a claim, please provide primarily a description of the defect in the Product and your identification data, including the e-mail to which you are interested in receiving an explanation of how to handle the claim, and also indicate which of the claims from liability for damage, namely the removal of the defect, exchange, refund or reasonable discount, you apply.

When making a claim, please also present us with a proof of purchase of the Goods (invoice) in order to prove your purchase from Us, otherwise we are not obliged to accept your claim.

We consider the day of initiation of the complaint procedure to be the day of delivery of the defective Goods together with the relevant documents. In the event that your submission, with which you are making a claim, is incomplete (especially illegible, unclear, incomprehensible, does not contain the required documents, etc.), we will ask you to complete the submitted claim in writing, especially by e-mail. In this case, the complaint procedure begins on the day of delivery of your supplemented submission.

If you do not supplement the submitted claim without unnecessary delay, no later than 10 days from the date of delivery of Our invitation to supplement the submission, we will consider your submission unfounded.

Claim processing

Based on your decision, which of the rights according to § 622 and § 623 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. You apply the Civil Code as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code") you claim, we will determine the method of processing the claim immediately, in complex cases no later than 3 working days from the date of application of your claim. In justified cases, especially if a complex technical evaluation of the condition of the Goods is required, no later than 30 days from the date of application of your claim.

After determining the method of handling the claim, we will handle the claim immediately, in justified cases we can also handle the claim later; however, processing of the claim may not take longer than 30 days from the date of application of the claim. After the expiry of the deadline for handling the claim, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract or you have the right to exchange the Goods for new goods, if possible.

We are obliged to issue you a written document about the processing of the claim, no later than 30 days from the date of application of the claim, and we will inform you about its processing via e-mail. In the event that the claim is accepted, we will send you the repaired Product or exchange the Product for a new product or refund the paid Product Price, unless we agree otherwise.

If it is a defect that we can remove, you have the right to have the defect removed free of charge, in a timely manner and properly. We will remove the defect in the Goods without undue delay.

Instead of removing the defect, you can request the replacement of the Product, or if the defect concerns only a part of the Product, the replacement of this part, in cases where this does not incur disproportionate costs for Us in relation to the Price of the Product or the severity of the defect.

Instead of removing the defect in the Product, we can always replace the defective Product with a perfect one, if this does not cause serious difficulties for you.

If it is a defect in the Goods that cannot be removed and which prevents you from being able to properly use the Goods as a defect-free good, you have the right to exchange the Goods or you have the right to withdraw from the Contract. You have the same rights if the defects are removable, but you cannot properly use the Product due to the reappearance of the defect after repair or due to a larger number of defects.

If there are other non-removable defects, you have the right to a reasonable discount from the Product Price.

We will deal with the claim by handing over the repaired Product, exchanging the Product, returning the Product Price, paying an appropriate discount from the Product Price, a written request to take over performance (the Product) or a justified rejection of the claim.

The exercise of rights from liability for defects and claims for goods is governed by paragraph 619 et seq. of the Civil Code, Act No. 250/2007 of the Coll. on consumer protection and amendments to Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 of the Coll. on offenses as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act"), and Act No. 102/2014 of the Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services based on a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection in Distance Selling Act").

If you claim a Product:

  1. during the first 12 months from the purchase of the Product, we can reject your claim only on the basis of a professional assessment; regardless of the result of the expert assessment, we will not require you to pay the costs of the expert assessment or other costs related to the expert assessment. We will provide you with a copy of the expert assessment justifying the rejection of the claim no later than 14 days from the day the claim was processed;
  2. after 12 months from the purchase and we have rejected such a claim, we will indicate in the complaint handling document to whom you can send the Goods for expert assessment. If you send the Goods for expert assessment to a designated person, the costs of the expert assessment, as well as all other related costs incurred for the purpose, will be borne by Us, regardless of the result of the expert assessment. If you prove through expert assessment Our responsibility for the defect of the Goods, you can apply the claim again; the warranty period does not expire during the performance of the expert assessment. We are obliged to reimburse you within 14 days from the date of re-application of the complaint all costs incurred for the expert assessment, as well as all related costs incurred purposefully. A renewed claim cannot be rejected.

If you are a consumer, you have the right to exercise rights from liability for defects that occur with consumer goods within a period of 24 months from the receipt of the goods.





Vytvořil Shoptet | Design Shoptetak.cz